Keyterms & Concepts:
$ a b c d e f g h i j k l m
n o p q r s t u v w x y z All
$$ Retrieves the ID of the current object
$action.exists Checks if an action is currently defined
$action.isEnabled Checks if an action is currently enabled.
$active Retrieves the window ID of the active window
$addon.exists Checks if an addon is currently installed
$addon.version Returns the version of an installed addon
$aliasBody Returns the body of an alias, if it exists
$array Explicitly creates an array
$ascii Returns the Unicode code of a character
$asciiToBase64 Returns an encoded base64 string
$asciiToHex Returns an encoded hex string
$ Returns the avatar name for the specified user
$avatar.path Returns the avatar path for the specified user
$away Returns true if the current user is away
$b Returns the BOLD mIRC control character
$base64ToAscii Returns a decoded base64 string
$bool Casts a variable to a boolean
$boolean Casts a variable to a boolean
$certificate Returns information about the local certificate
$chan.admincount Returns the number of channel admin users on a channel
$chan.bancount Returns the number of entries in the channel ban list
$chan.banexceptioncount Returns the number of entries in the channel ban exception list
$chan.banexceptionlist Returns an array of channel ban exception masks
$chan.banlist Returns an array of channel ban masks
$chan.common Returns the common channel with a user
$chan.getUrl Returns the URL of a channel
$chan.getflag Returns the channel-user mode flag of a user
$chan.halfopcount Returns the number of halfop users on a channel
$chan.invitecount Returns the number of entries in the channel invite list
$chan.invitelist Returns an array of channel invite masks
$chan.isDead Checks if a channel is dead
$chan.isMeAdmin Checks if the current user is at least an administrator on a channel
$chan.isMeHalfOp Checks if the current user is at least an half operator on a channel
$chan.isMeOp Checks if the current user is at least op on a channel
$chan.isMeOwner Checks if the current user is at least an owner on a channel
$chan.isMeUserOp Checks if the current user is at least a user operator on a channel
$chan.isMeVoice Checks if the current user is at least voice on a channel
$chan.isadmin Checks if a user is at least channel administrator
$chan.ishalfop Checks if a user is at least halfop on a channel
$chan.ison Checks if a user is on a channel
$chan.isop Checks if a user is at least an op on a channel
$chan.isowner Checks if a user is at least a channel owner
$chan.isuserop Checks if a user is at least a userop on a channel
$chan.isvoice Checks if a user is at least voiced on a channel
$chan.key Returns the key of a channel
$chan.limit Returns the limit of a channel
$chan.maskcount Returns the number of entries in the mask list for a channel mode
$chan.masklist Returns an array of masks for a channel mode
$chan.matchban Matches a mask against the channel ban list
$chan.matchbanexception Matches a mask against the channel ban exception list
$chan.matchinvite Matches a mask against the channel invite list
$chan.matchmask Matches a mask against the channel list for a specific mode
$chan.matchqban Matches a mask against the channel ban list searching for +q bans (aka mute bans)
$chan.mode Returns the mode string of a channel
$chan.modeParam Returns the parameter for a set mode of a channel
$ Returns the name of a channel
$chan.opcount Returns the number of op users on a channel
$chan.ownercount Returns the number of channel owner users on a channel
$chan.topic Returns the topic of a channel
$chan.topicsetat Returns the set time of the topic of a channel
$chan.topicsetby Returns the author of the topic of a channel
$chan.userJoinTime Returns the time that a user has joined the channel
$chan.userLastActionTime Returns the time that a user has last performed some kind of action on the channel
$chan.usercount Returns the number of users on a channel
$chan.usermodelevel Returns the channel user-mode level
$chan.useropcount Returns the number of userop users on a channel
$chan.users Returns an array of channel user nicknames
$chan.voicecount Returns the number of voiced users on a channel
$channel Retrieves the window ID of a specified channel
$char Returns a character specified by Unicode
$classdefined Checks if a class is defined
$config.filelist Returns a list of open config files
$config.filename Returns the filename of an open config file
$config.hassection Checks whether a section is present in a config file
$ Returns the ID of an open config file
$config.keylist Returns a list of keys in a config file
$ Opens a config file
$ Reads an entry from a config file
$config.readonly Checks whether a config file is opened in read-only mode
$config.section Returns the name of the current section of a config file
$config.sectionlist Returns a list of the sections in a config file
$console Retrieves the window ID of a specified console
$context.connectionStartTime Returns the connection start time of an IRC context
$context.getSSLCertInfo Returns the requested information about certificates used in an SSL enabled IRC session
$context.lastMessageTime Returns the last message time of an IRC context
$context.list Returns a list of existing IRC contexts
$context.networkName Returns the IRC network name of an IRC context
$context.queueSize Returns the size of the current server message queue
$context.serverHostName Returns the IRC server name of an IRC context
$context.serverIpAddress Returns the IRC server IP address of an IRC context
$context.serverIsIPV6 Returns the IPv6 state of an IRC context
$context.serverIsSSL Returns the SSL state of an IRC context
$context.serverPassword Returns the password used to login to the server of an IRC context
$context.serverPort Returns the port of the IRC server of an IRC context
$context.serverSoftware Returns the software running on the IRC server, if recognized
$context.serverdbNetworkName Returns the original IRC network name of an IRC context
$context.serverdbServerHostName Returns the original IRC server name of an IRC context
$context.state Returns the state of an IRC context
$context Retrieves the ID of the specified IRC context
$countStatusBarItems Returns the number of items in the statusbar
$cr Returns a carriage return character
$date Returns a date/time string using a specified format
$dcc.averageSpeed Returns the average speed of a DCC file transfer
$dcc.connectionType Returns the connection type of the specified DCC session
$dcc.currentSpeed Returns the current speed of a DCC file transfer
$dcc.getSSLCertInfo Returns the requested information about certificates used in an SSL enabled DCC session
$dcc.ircContext Returns the ircContext from which this DCC has originated
$dcc.isFileDownload Checks if a DCC is a download file transfer
$dcc.isFileTransfer Checks if a DCC is a file transfer
$dcc.isFileUpload Checks if a DCC is an upload file transfer
$dcc.localFileName Returns the local file name associated with the specified DCC session
$dcc.localFileSize Returns the local file size associated with the specified DCC session
$dcc.localHost Returns the local hostname associated with the specified DCC session
$dcc.localIp Returns the local IP address associated with the specified DCC session
$dcc.localNick Returns the local nickname associated with the specified DCC session
$dcc.localPort Returns the local port associated with the specified DCC session
$dcc.localUser Returns the local username associated with the specified DCC session
$dcc.protocol Returns the protocol of the specified DCC session
$dcc.remoteFileName Returns the remote file name associated with the specified DCC session
$dcc.remoteFileSize Returns the remote file size associated with the specified DCC session
$dcc.remoteHost Returns the remote hostname associated with the specified DCC session
$dcc.remoteIp Returns the remote IP address associated with the specified DCC session
$dcc.remoteNick Returns the remote nickname associated with the specified DCC session
$dcc.remotePort Returns the remote port associated with the specified DCC session
$dcc.remoteUser Returns the remote username associated with the specified DCC session
$dcc.session Returns the DCC session identifier associated with a window
$dcc.sessionList List the existing DCC session identifiers
$dcc.transferStatus Returns the current status of a DCC file transfer
$dcc.transferredBytes Returns the number of transferred bytes in a DCC file transfer
$dialog.yesno Shows a simple yes/no dialog
$escape Returns a kvs-escaped version of the string
$false The boolean false constant
$features Returns the features that KVIrc supports
$file.allSizes Returns the size of each file in a specified directory.
$file.currentdir Get the current directory
$file.digest Returns a digest/hash string of the given file contents
$file.diskspace Return the available diskspace.
$file.exists Check if a file or directory exists
$file.extractfilename Extract the filename from a file path
$file.extractpath Extract the parent directory path from a file path
$file.fixpath Converts file paths
$file.globaldir Get the KVIrc global directory
$file.homedir Get the user's HOME directory
$file.localdir Get the KVIrc local directory
$ Returns a directory listing
$ Returns the path separator
$ Reads a text file
$file.readBytes Reads a binary file
$file.readLines Reads lines of a text file
$file.rootdir Get the system root directory
$file.size Returns the size of a file
$file.time Returns the datetime of a file in unixtime format
$file.type Checks the type of a path
$firstConnectedConsole Returns the window ID of the first connected console
$flatten Returns a flattened array of items
$fmtlink Returns a formatted link buffer
$gender Returns the gender of the specified user
$globals Dump globals variables
$hash Explicitly creates a hash
$hexToAscii Returns a decoded hex string
$hostname Returns the hostname of the specified user
$hptimestamp Returns a high precision timestamp
$i Returns the ITALIC mIRC control character
$icon Returns the ID of an icon
$iconname Returns the name of an icon
$insideAlias Returns true if kvs is executing an alias
$int Casts a variable to an integer
$integer Casts a variable to an integer
$isEmpty Checks if a variable is set (empty or non empty)
$isEventEnabled Checks if an event enabled
$isMainWindowActive Checks if main KVirc window is active
$isMainWindowMinimized Checks if main KVirc window is minimized
$isNumeric Finds whether a variable contains a representation of a number
$isSet Checks if a variable is set (non-empty)
$isTimer Checks for a timer existence
$isWellKnown Returns $true if the specified user is well known
$isbot Returns 1 if the user is a bot. Otherwise return 0.
$k Returns the COLOR mIRC control character
$keys Returns the array of keys of a hash
$lag Returns the lag on the current server
$lang Returns name of currently used language
$language.detect Tries to detect the language and encoding of a string
$length Returns the length of a variable
$lf Returns a line feed character
$link Returns the text specified as a link
$listtimers Returns a list of the active timers
$log.export Exports the specified log to the given format and returns the filename
$log.file Returns the current log filename
$mask.hasNumericHost Checks if a host part of a mask is numeric
$ Returns the hostname part of an IRC mask
$mask.match Matches a mask against a wildcarded one
$mask.nick Returns the nick part of an IRC mask
$mask.user Returns the username part of an IRC mask
$mask Retrieves the host mask of a user
$math.abs Returns the absolute value of a number
$math.acos Returns the angle in radiants that has the specified cosinus value.
$math.asin Returns the angle in radiants that has the specified sinus value.
$math.atan Returns the angle in radiants that has the specified tangent value.
$math.cbrt Returns the cube root of a number
$math.ceil Rounds up to the nearest integer
$math.cos Returns the cosinus of the specified angle in radiants
$math.e Returns the value of e
$math.exp Returns the exponential of the specified number
$math.floor Rounds down to the nearest integer
$math.isinf Checks if the value is the infinity
$math.isnan Checks if the value is not a number
$math.log10 Returns the base 10 logarithm of the specified number
$math.log Returns the natural logarithm of the specified number
$math.pi Returns the value of pi
$math.pow Returns a to the power of b
$math.sin Returns the sinus of the specified angle in radiants
$math.sqrt Returns the square root of a number
$math.tan Returns the tangent of the specified angle in radiants
$me Returns the current nickname
$mediaplayer.album Returns the album of the media player
$mediaplayer.artist Returns the artist of the media player
$mediaplayer.bitRate Returns the bit rate of the current song
$mediaplayer.channels Returns the number of channels of the current song
$mediaplayer.comment Returns the comment of the media player
$mediaplayer.genre Returns the genre of the media player
$mediaplayer.getEqData Return the equalizer value.
$mediaplayer.getListLength Return the play list length.
$mediaplayer.getPlayListPos Get the position for the current song.
$mediaplayer.getRepeat Return if Repeat is on.
$mediaplayer.getShuffle Return if shuffle is on.
$mediaplayer.getVol Returns the current volume of the media player
$mediaplayer.length Returns the length of the current media
$mediaplayer.localFile Returns the name of the local file played by the media player
$mediaplayer.mediaType Returns the currently played media type
$mediaplayer.mrl Returns the MRL of the currently playing media
$mediaplayer.nowPlaying Returns a description of the currently played media
$mediaplayer.player Returns the currently set media player interface
$mediaplayer.playerList Returns a the list of the supported media player interfaces
$mediaplayer.position Returns the position of the current media
$mediaplayer.sampleRate Returns the sample rate of the current song
$mediaplayer.status Returns the status of the media player
$mediaplayer.title Returns the title of the current media
$mediaplayer.year Returns the year of the media player
$msgtype Returns the ID of a message type color set
$my.globalIdle Returns the current user global idle time
$ Returns the current hostname
$my.ip Returns the current IP address
$ Returns the current network name
$my.nick Returns the current nickname
$my.server Returns the current server name
$my.serverIsIPV6 Returns 1 if the current server connection use IPv6.
$my.serverIsSSL Returns 1 if the current server connection uses SSL
$my.umode Returns the current user mode flags
$my.user Returns the current username
$new Creates a new object
$nothing Evaluates to an empty variable
$notifier.isEnabled Returns 1 if the notifier window is enabled
$null Evaluates to the null object handle.
$o Returns the RESET mIRC control character
$objects.classAllHandlers List all the functions .
$objects.classes List user defined classes
$objects.dump Dump the KVIrc widgets.
$objects.exists Check if an object exists.
$objects.instances List object instances
$ Returns class name
$objects.variables List object's variables.
$option Returns the value of an option
$options.isdialog Returns the options dialog state
$ Returns information about a KVIrc package file
$perl.isAvailable Check if Perl scripting support is available
$popup.currentItemId Returns the popup item ID that owns the executing code
$popup.exists Returns true if a popup exists
$popup.isEmpty Returns true if a popup is empty
$proxydb.hostname Returns the hostname
$proxydb.ip Returns the IP
$proxydb.isIPv6 Returns the isIPv6
$proxydb.password Returns the password
$proxydb.port Returns the port
$proxydb.protocol Returns the protocol
$proxydb.username Returns the username
$python.isAvailable Check if Python scripting support is available
$query Retrieves the window ID of a specified query
$r Returns the REVERSE mIRC control character
$rand Generates a random number
$real Casts a variable to a real
$realname Returns the realname of the specified user
$receivedBytes Returns total received bytes
$regchan.find Checks if a channel is registered
$regchan.list Get a list of registered channels
$regchan.match Checks if a channel is registered
$ Returns a property of an entry in the registered channels database
$reguser.exactMatch Returns an entry in the registered user database
$reguser.getIgnoreFlags Returns ignore flags for registered user
$reguser.isIgnoreEnabled Returns if ignore enabled registered user
$reguser.list Get a list of registered user masks
$reguser.mask Returns the registration masks for a db entry
$reguser.match Returns an entry in the registered user database
$reguser.matchProperty Returns a property of an entry in the registered user database
$ Returns a property of an entry in the registered user database
$rsort Sorts an array in reverse order
$scriptContextName Returns the actual script context's name..
$selected Returns the list of selected nicknames in the channel
$sentBytes Returns total sent bytes
$serialize Encodes variable to JSON string
$server Returns the current server name (if any)
$serverdb.cacheIp Returns the cache-ip status
$serverdb.favorite Returns if the server is favorited
$serverdb.isAutoConnect Returns the autoconnect status
$serverdb.isIPv6 Returns the IPv6 status
$serverdb.isSSL Returns the SSL status
$serverdb.networkConnectCommand Returns the connect command
$serverdb.networkDescription Returns the description
$serverdb.networkEncoding Returns the encoding
$serverdb.networkExists Checks if the network already exists in the DB
$serverdb.networkJoinChannels Returns the list of autojoin channels
$serverdb.networkLoginCommand Returns the login command
$serverdb.networkName Returns the name
$serverdb.networkNickName Returns the nickname
$serverdb.networkRealName Returns the real name
$serverdb.networkTextEncoding Returns the encoding
$serverdb.networkUserName Returns the username
$serverdb.serverConnectCommand Returns the connect command
$serverdb.serverDescription Returns the description
$serverdb.serverEncoding Returns the encoding
$serverdb.serverExists Checks if the network already exists in the DB
$serverdb.serverId Returns the ID
$serverdb.serverIp Returns the IP address
$serverdb.serverJoinChannels Returns the list of autojoin channels
$serverdb.serverLoginCommand Returns the login command
$serverdb.serverNickName Returns the nickname
$serverdb.serverPassword Returns the password
$serverdb.serverPort Returns the port
$serverdb.serverRealName Returns the real name
$serverdb.serverTextEncoding Returns the encoding
$serverdb.serverUserName Returns the username
$snd.isMuted Returns if the sounds muted
$sort Sorts an array
$spellchecker.available_dictionaries Return available dictionaries.
$spellchecker.check Check a single work for spelling mistakes.
$spellchecker.suggestions Get spelling suggestions for a single word
$str.append Append one string to another.
$str.charsum Returns the sum of the character codes of the string
$str.chop Returns a string removing n characters from the end of it.
$str.cmp Compare two strings alphabetically
$str.contains Returns 1 if the first parameter contains the second
$str.digest Returns the sum of the character codes of the string
$str.equal Returns 1 if the two string parameters are equal
$str.evpSign Returns a signature for a message created using your certificate's private key
$str.evpVerify Verifies the signature for a message against a public key
$str.find Find the index of the nth occurrence of a substring in a string
$str.findfirst Find the index of a substring in a string
$str.findlast Find the last index of a substring in a string
$str.fromClipboard Returns a string from clipboard.
$str.grep Performs a search in an array of strings via regular expression matching
$str.insert Inserts a substring in a string at a given index
$str.isempty Returns 1 if the given string don't have any character.
$str.isnumber Returns 1 if the given string represents a number
$str.isunsignednumber Returns 1 if the given string represents an unsigned number
$str.join Returns a string joined from several strings
$str.left Returns a substring starting from the left until the given index.
$str.lefttofirst Returns the left part of a string until a given substring
$str.lefttolast Returns the left part of a string until the last occurrence of a given substring
$str.len Returns the length of the given string
$str.length Returns the length of the given string
$str.localelowcase Returns the given string with all characters turned to toLower case
$str.localeupcase Returns the given string with all characters turned to toUpper case
$str.lowcase Returns the given string with all characters turned to toLower case
$str.match Matches a fixed string against a wildcard expression
$str.mid Returns a substring starting from a given index.
$str.prepend Prepend one string to another.
$str.printf Returns a formatted string in a C sprintf-like fashion.
$str.replace Replace substrings in a string
$str.right Returns a substring starting from the right until the given index.
$str.rightfromfirst Returns the right part of a string from the first occurrence of a given substring
$str.rightfromlast Returns the right part of a string from the last occurrence of a given substring
$str.section Returns a section of the string.
$str.split Splits a string to an array
$str.strip Returns a whitespace stripped string
$str.stripcolors Returns a mIRC color codes stripped string
$str.stripleft Returns a left whitespace stripped string
$str.stripright Returns a right whitespace stripped string
$str.token Returns the nth token in a string
$str.upcase Returns the given string with all characters turned to upper case
$str.urlencode Returns a browser formatted string
$str.word Returns the nth word in a string
$string Casts a variable to a string
$sw Returns the value of a switch for an alias
$ Allows to call functions of a plugin
$system.checkModule Checks if a KVIrc module is loadable
$system.clipboard Returns the value of the system clipboard
$system.dbus Performs a D-Bus call
$system.getenv Returns the value of an environment variable
$system.hostname Returns the hostname of the machine that KVIrc is running on
$system.htoni Convert an integer from host to network byte order.
$system.ntohi Convert an integer from network to host byte order.
$system.osmachine Returns the machine of the operating system
$system.osname Returns the name of the operating system
$system.osnodename Returns the nodename of the operating system
$system.osrelease Returns the release of the operating system
$system.ostype Returns the type of the operating system
$system.osversion Returns the version of the operating system
$system.selection Returns the value of the system selection
$target Returns the target of the current window
$texticons.get Retreives texticon data
$ Return info about a user defined theme.
$this Retrieves the ID of the current object
$tmphighlight.isChannelHighlighted Returns 1 if the channel is highlighted on this IRC network, and 0 otherwise
$tmphighlight.isNickHighlighted Returns 1 if the user is highlighted on this channel, and 0 otherwise
$toolbar.exists Checks if a toolbar exists
$toolbar.isVisible Checks if a toolbar is visible
$toolbar.items Returns the list of items in a specified toolbar
$toolbar.list Returns a list of defined toolbars
$torrent.client Returns the currently set torrent client interface
$torrent.clientList Returns a list of all supported clients.
$torrent.count Returns number of torrents in client
$torrent.fileCount Returns the number of files in a torrent.
$torrent.fileName Returns the name of a file in a torrent.
$torrent.filePriority Returns the priority of a file in a torrent.
$torrent.maxDownloadSpeed Returns maximum download speed set in client.
$torrent.maxUploadSpeed Returns maximum upload speed set in client.
$ Returns torrent name as displayed in client
$torrent.speedDown Returns current total download speed
$torrent.speedUp Returns current total upload speed
$torrent.state Returns state of torrent (Stopped, Stalled, Seeding, Downloading)
$torrent.trafficDown Returns the total number of bytes downloaded
$torrent.trafficUp Returns the total number of bytes uploaded
$tr Translates an English string to the current language
$trayicon.isVisible Returns the state of the dock widget
$true The boolean true constant
$typeof Returns the internal data type of a variable
$u Returns the UNDERLINE mIRC control character
$uflags Retrieves the user flags of a user
$unicode Returns the Unicode code of a set of characters
$unixTime Returns the current UNIX time
$unserialize Decodes JSON-encoded string
$upnp.getExternalIpAddress Return the external IP address using UPnP
$upnp.isGatewayAvailable Returns if a UPnP-capable gateway has been found on the local network
$userlist.selected Returns the list of selected nicknames in the channel's userlist
$username Returns the username of the specified user
$version Returns information about the version of KVIrc.
$window.activityLevel Returns the current activity level of a window
$window.activityTemperature Returns the current activity temperature of a window
$window.caption Returns the caption of a window
$window.console Returns the console that a window is attached to
$window.context Returns the IRC context of a window
$window.cryptEngine Returns the name of the encryption engine currently set in a window
$window.exists Checks for the existence of a window
$window.hasInput Checks if a window has an input field
$window.hasOutput Checks if a window has a text output widget
$window.hasUserFocus Checks if a window has the user focus
$window.highlightLevel Returns the current highlight (alert) level of a window
$window.inputText Returns the window input line text
$window.isDocked Checks if a window is currently docked
$window.isSplitView Checks if a window is currently in split view mode
$window.list Generates lists of windows
$ Creates and opens a new window
$window.type Returns the type of a window
$window Retrieve the ID of a specified window.
Adding toolbar items Adds a new item to a toolbar
Aliases Aliases : user definable command sequences
An embedded webview widget Provides web support in a widget using webengine.
Anti-spam protection
Arithmetic self-operators Arithmetic self-operators
Array concatenation operator Array concatenation operator
Assignment operation Assignment operation
Authentication with NickServ Automatic authentication with NickServ
Binding operator Binding operator
Bitwise self-operators Bitwise self-operators
CTCP flood protection options Protection against CTCP flooding
CTCP Sends a CTCP message
Clipboard management Returns the value of the system clipboard
Clipboard management Returns the value of the system selection
Clipboard management Sets the current system clipboard contents
Clipboard management Sets the current system selection contents
Coding tips Generic coding tips for scripters (and not only)
Connection dependent commands
Creating toolbars Creates a toolbar
Cryptography and text transformation Crypt/text transformation engines and how to use them
DCC negotiation and connection Overview of the DCC internals
DCC without IRC Overview of the DCC internals
Destroying a toolbar Destroys a toolbar
Easyplugins Small plugins which can be called in scripts
Environment variables Returns the value of an environment variable
Environment variables Sets an environment variable
Escape sequences and clickable links
Events Events: user reactions
Expression evaluation identifier Expression evaluation identifier
HTTP extension Retrieves a file via HTTP GET and triggers a callback
HTTP extension Retrieves a file via HTTP GET
IRC context
IRC context KVIrc window structure and the window naming conventions
IRC masks Description of the standard IRC masks
Including Perl code snippets in KVS Starts a Perl code snippet
Including Python code snippets in KVS Starts a Python code snippet
Increment and decrement operations Increment and decrement operations
Introduction to IRC Introduction to IRC
Introduction to KVIrc Introduction to KVIrc
KVIrc and CTCP For developers: Client-To-Client Protocol handling in KVIrc
KVIrc scripting language introduction KVS scripting language introduction
KVIrc Introduction to KVIrc
KVS Functions and aliases KVS Functions and aliases
KVS basic concepts KVS basic concepts
Keyboard shortcuts The list of the common keyboard shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts The list of the common keyboard shortcuts
Loadable modules KVIrc modules model
Localization of scripts Explains how to add translation capabilities to your scripts
Module checking Checks if a KVIrc module is loadable
NickServ Automatic authentication with NickServ
Notify lists Tracking users on IRC
OS clipboard Sets the OS clipboard contents
Object scripting Object scripting overview
OnAccelKeyPressed Triggered when an accelerator key was pressed
OnAccount Someone's account name has changed
OnAction Someone issued a CTCP ACTION
OnAway Someone's away status has changed
OnBan Someone has set a +b flag on the channel
OnBanException Someone has set a +e flag on the channel
OnBanExceptionRemove Someone has set a -e flag on the channel
OnBroadcastNotice A broadcast NOTICE has been received.
OnCTCPFlood Someone tried to flood you with CTCP requests
OnCTCPReply A CTCP reply has been received
OnCTCPRequest A CTCP request has been received
OnCap Received a capability update from the IRCd
OnChanAdmin Someone has given a user the +a flag
OnChanOwner Someone has given a user the +q flag
OnChanServNotice A notice from ChanServ has been received
OnChannelLinkClick Triggered when user clicks on any channel name in any window
OnChannelLinkPopupRequest Channel link popup customization
OnChannelMessage A message has been received from the channel
OnChannelModeChange The channel mode has been changed
OnChannelNickDefaultActionRequest Allows customization of the double click on nicknames
OnChannelNickLinkClick Clicked on nickname in channel
OnChannelNickPopupRequest Allows customization of the nick-on-channel context popup
OnChannelNotice A NOTICE have been issued to a channel
OnChannelPopupRequest Triggered when the channel text view is right-clicked
OnChannelSync Triggered when all channel information have been received
OnChannelWindowCreated A channel window has just been opened
OnConsoleNickLinkClick Triggered when user clicks on nickname in console window
OnConsolePopupRequest Triggered when the console text view is right-clicked
OnDCCChatConnected A DCC Chat connection has been established
OnDCCChatConnectionInProgress A DCC Chat connection has just been started
OnDCCChatDisconnected A DCC Chat has been just disconnected
OnDCCChatError A DCC Chat error has just been triggered
OnDCCChatMessage A DCC Chat message has just been received
OnDCCChatPopupRequest Triggered when the DCC chat text view is right-clicked
OnDCCChatWindowClosing A DCC Chat is going to be closed
OnDCCChatWindowCreated A DCC Chat window has been just created
OnDCCFileTransferBegin Triggered when a DCC File transfer begins
OnDCCFileTransferConnectionInProgress Triggered when a DCC File transfer is waiting for a connection
OnDCCFileTransferFailed Triggered when a DCC File transfer fails
OnDCCFileTransferSuccess Triggered when a DCC File transfer succeeds
OnDCCSessionCreated A new DCC session has just been created
OnDCCSessionDestroyed A new DCC session has just been destroyed
OnDeChanAdmin Someone has given a user the -a flag
OnDeChanOwner Someone has given a user the -q flag
OnDeHalfOp Someone has given a user the -h flag
OnDeIrcOp Someone has given a user the -O flag
OnDeOp Someone has given a user the -o flag
OnDeUserOp Someone has given a user a -u flag
OnDeVoice Someone has given a user the -v flag
OnDisconnectRequest Triggered when the user requests a disconnection
OnError Triggered when an ERROR message is received from the server
OnFrameWindowCreated Triggered when a new frame window is opened
OnFrameWindowDestroyed Triggered when a frame window is being destroyed
OnHTTPGetTerminated A http.get command has terminated execution
OnHalfOp Someone has given a user the +h flag
OnHighlight Triggered when a channel or query message is going to be highlighted
OnHostChange Someone's visible hostname has changed
OnHostLinkClick Triggered when user clicks on any hostname in any window
OnHostLinkPopupRequest Triggered when a user right clicks on a hostname link in the text view.
OnIRC Triggered when the login operations are terminated
OnIRCConnectionEstablished Triggered when a new IRC connection has been established
OnIRCConnectionTerminated Triggered when an IRC connection has been terminated
OnIRCContextCreated Triggered when a new IRC context is created
OnIRCContextDestroyed Triggered when an IRC context is destroyed
OnIgnoredMessage Triggered when a message is ignored.
OnInputBarPaste Triggered when the user paste some text on the inputbar
OnInvite The local user has received an invitation
OnInviteException A +I mode has been set
OnInviteExceptionRemove Mode -I has been set
OnIrcOp Someone has given a user the +O flag
OnJoin Non-local user joining a channel
OnKVIrcShutdown Triggered on KVIrc shutdown
OnKVIrcStartup Triggered on KVIrc startup
OnKeySet The channel users key has been set
OnKeyUnset The channel users key has been unset
OnKick Non-local user is being kicked from a channel
OnLagAlarmTimeDown High-Lag Alarm Stopped
OnLagAlarmTimeUp High-Lag Alarm Started
OnLagCheck The lag metering engine has checked the lag
OnLimitSet The channel users limit has been set
OnLimitUnSet The channel users limit has been unset
OnMeAction User issued a CTCP ACTION
OnMeAway Local user sets the AWAY status
OnMeBack Local user cancels the AWAY status
OnMeBan Local user is being banned in a channel
OnMeBanException Someone has set a +e flag on the local user
OnMeBanExceptionRemove Someone has set a -e flag on the local user
OnMeChanAdmin Someone has given the +a flag to the local user
OnMeChanOwner Someone has given the +q flag to the local user
OnMeDeChanAdmin Someone has given the -a flag to the local user
OnMeDeChanOwner Someone has given the -q flag to the local user
OnMeDeHalfOp Someone has given the local user the -h flag
OnMeDeIrcOp Someone has given the -O flag to the local user
OnMeDeOp Someone has given the -o flag to the local user
OnMeDeUserOp Someone has given the local user the -u flag
OnMeDeVoice Someone has give the local user a -v flag
OnMeHalfOp Someone has given the local user the +h flag
OnMeHostChange Local user's visible hostname is changed
OnMeInviteException A +I mode has been set on the local user
OnMeInviteExceptionRemove Move -I has been set
OnMeIrcOp Someone has given the +O flag to the local user
OnMeJoin Local user joining a channel
OnMeKick Local user is being kicked from a channel
OnMeNickChange The local user has changed his nickname
OnMeOp Someone has given the +o flag to the local user
OnMePart Local user is leaving a channel
OnMeQuietBan Local user is being quiet-banned (+q) in a channel
OnMeQuietUnban Local user is being quiet-debanned (-q) in a channel
OnMeUnban Local user is being de-banned in a channel
OnMeUserOp Someone has given the local user the +u flag
OnMeVoice Someone has give the local user a +v flag
OnMemoServNotice A notice from MemoServ has been received
OnNetsplit A netsplit has been detected
OnNickChange Someone has changed his nickname
OnNickLinkDefaultActionRequest Nick link double click customization
OnNickLinkPopupRequest Nick link popup customization
OnNickServAuth IRCd set a registered user mode
OnNickServNotice A notice from NickServ has been received
OnNotifyListDefaultActionRequest Notify list double click customization
OnNotifyListPopupRequest Notify list context popup customization
OnNotifyOffline A user in the notify list went off-line
OnNotifyOnline A user in the notify list is on-line
OnOp Someone has given a user the +o flag
OnOutboundTraffic Triggered on outbound traffic.
USE THIS EVENT WITH REAL CAUTION: an improper use can lead to many problems to KVIrc; especially avoid the use of the 'halt' command.
OnPart Non-local user is leaving a channel
OnPing Server ping handler
OnPong Server pong handler
OnQueryFileDropped A file is dropped in a query
OnQueryMessage A message has been received from a query
OnQueryNickDefaultActionRequest Query double click customization
OnQueryNickLinkClick Triggered when user clicks on nickname in query window
OnQueryNickPopupRequest Query nicklist popup customization
OnQueryNotice A private notice has been received
OnQueryPopupRequest Triggered when the query text view is right-clicked
OnQueryTargetAdded A new query target has been added
OnQueryWindowCreated A query window has just been opened
OnQueryWindowRequest A new query window is going to be opened because a remote message has been received
OnQuietBan Someone has set a +q flag on the channel
OnQuietUnban Someone has set a -q flag on the channel
OnQuit An user is leaving IRC
OnServerLinkClick Triggered when user clicks on server name in any window
OnServerLinkPopupRequest Server link popup customization
OnServerNotice A server NOTICE have been issued.
OnTextInput The user has just entered some text in the text input
OnTextViewDoubleClicked Text view link double click customization
OnTopic Topic change on a channel
OnURL Triggered when an URL appears in one of the output windows
OnURLLinkClick Triggered when user clicks on any URL link in any window
OnURLLinkPopupRequest URL link popup customization
OnUnban Someone has set a -b flag on the channel
OnUnhandledLiteral An unhandled literal server message has been received
OnUserModeChange The local user has changed mode
OnUserOp Someone has given a user the +u flag
OnVoice Someone has given a user the +v flag
OnWallops Triggered when a WALLOPS message is received from the server
OnWindowActivated Triggered when a window has just been activated
OnWindowPopupRequest Triggered when the user middle-clicks in a text view (or right-clicks with the Ctrl key pressed).
OnWindowTitleRequest Triggered when a window title needs to be set
Operators Variable operators, assignments & co.
RFC2812 Wrappers Wrappers for RFC2812 commands
RFC2812 The IRC protocol specification (revised)
Rebinding commands to another window Standard rebinding switch
Registered users Registration of users in KVIrc
Removing toolbar items Removes a toolbar item
Sets ignore flags for registered user Sets ignore flags for registered user
Sharing files with KVIrc Automatically sharing your files with other IRC users
Sql database. A SQL database interface.
Standard rebinding switch Standard rebinding switch
String concatenation operators String concatenation operators
Syntactic rules Syntactic rules of the KVIrc scripting language
System information Performs a D-Bus call
System information Returns the hostname of the machine that KVIrc is running on
The AVATAR idea Extending IRC fun: the AVATAR idea
The Commandline Input Features Commandline input features
The DCC module Direct Client Connection
The FISH module A FISH implementation
The KVIrc TextIcons extension The KVIrc TextIcons extension
The KVIrc addon system Writing KVIrc addons
The ROT13 module The ROT13 text transformation engine
The Rijndael module The Rijndael cryptographic engines
The URL list module The URL list module: keeps track of all URLs shown in KVIrc windows
The config module Managing of configuration files
The image identifier Semantics of the <image_id> parameter
The lamerizer module The Lamerizer text transformation engine
The log interface module Interface to the KVirc log subsystem
The mediaplayer interface module Interface to various media players
The reguser module Interface to the registered users database
The serverDB module Interface to the servers database
The torrent module Interface to the torrent clients
Using Perl from KVS and vice-versa. How to use Perl from KVS and KVS from Perl.
Using Python from KVS and vice-versa. How to use Python from KVS and KVS from Python.
Variables and Data types All about the KVS variable and datatype management
Why are there no blocking dialogs in KVIrc? Technical answer
Window naming conventions KVIrc window structure and the window naming conventions
about.kvirc Shows the About KVIrc dialog
action.create Defines a new action
action.destroy Destroy an action
action.disable Disables an action
action.enable Enables an action
action.list Lists the available actions
action.trigger Triggers an action Shows the action editor
addon.configure Executes an addon's configuration callback
addon.dialog Shows the addon management editor Executes an addon's help callback
addon.install Installs the addon
addon.installfiles Installs a set of files for an addon
addon.list Lists the installed addons
addon.pack Creates a kva package containing an addon
addon.register Registers a script-based addon
addon.setconfigurecallback Sets an addon's configuration callback
addon.sethelpcallback Sets an addon's help callback
addon.uninstall Uninstalls an addon
addon Writing KVIrc addons
addons Writing KVIrc addons
admin Requests the admin info from a server
ahost DNS lookup
alias Adds a new alias or modifies an existing one Shows the alias editor
aliases Aliases : user definable command sequences
aliases KVS Functions and aliases
array All about the KVS variable and datatype management
assign Variable operators, assignments & co.
assignment Assignment operation
assignment Variable operators, assignments & co.
associative arrays All about the KVS variable and datatype management
automatic authentication with NickServ Automatic authentication with NickServ
avatar property Registration of users in KVIrc
avatar.notify Notifies the current avatar to a remote target
avatar.query Queries the avatar of a remote target
avatar.set Sets the local user's avatar
avatar.unset Unsets the local user's avatar
avatar Sets the local user's avatar
away Puts you into 'away' state
awhois Asynchronous WHOIS
back Allows you to return from being away
ban Sets ban masks for the channel
beep Beep beep!
bnf The IRC protocol specification (revised)
break Interrupts an iteration loop
button class Button widget.
button Adds/removes/changes user definable buttons
buttonctl changes user definable buttons
buttongroup class Provides a buttongroup control.
buttongroup object class Provides a buttongroup control.
call plugin Allows to call functions of a plugin
cap Sends a CAP command
chanadmin Sets chan admin status from the specified users
channel operator Introduction to IRC
channel Introduction to IRC
channels Introduction to IRC Opens a window to join channels
chanowner Sets chan owner status from the specified users
checkbox class Check box with a text description
child widgets Manages child widget geometry
child widgets Manages child widget horizontal geometry
child widgets Manages child widget vertical geometry
class Base class for all the KVIrc objects
class Defines a new object class Shows the class editor
codepage Tries to set the codepage on server Shows the code tester window
colordialog class Check box with a text description
combobox class Combined button and popup list
combobox object class Combined button and popup list
commands exported by modules KVIrc modules model
compilation KVS scripting language introduction
complex data structures Object scripting overview
conditional commands Flow control command
config.clear Clears a config file
config.clearsection Clears a section in a config file
config.close Closes a config file
config.flush Flushes a config file
config.setsection Changes the current section of a config file
config.write Writes a data field to a config file
connecting to a server Connects to the specified server
connection ID KVIrc window structure and the window naming conventions
connection dependent commands
context.clearqueue Removes messages from the socked output queue.
continue Continues an iteration loop
copying files Makes a copy of a file
creating directories Creates a directory
creating files I/O device that operates on files
cryptography Crypt/text transformation engines and how to use them
ctcp flood Protection against CTCP flooding
data types All about the KVS variable and datatype management
datetimeedit class Datetimeedit widget.
dcc.abort Aborts a DCC session Starts a DCC chat connection
dcc.get Requests a file
dcc.recv Sets up a file receiving connection
dcc.rsend Sends a file by using the Reverse DCC SEND protocol
dcc.send Sends a file
dcc.setBandwidthLimit Set the bandwidthlimit of a dcc.send session.
dcc.voice Starts a DCC Voice connection
debug Outputs text to the debug window
dechanadmin Removes chan admin status from the specified users
dechanowner Removes chan owner status from the specified users
decrement Increment and decrement operations
defining an object class Defines a new object class
defpopup Defines a popup menu
dehalfop Removes half op status from the specified users
delete Destroys an object
delpopupitem Deletes an item from a popup
deop Removes chanop status from the specified users
destroy Destroys an object
deuserop Removes user op status from the specified users
devoice Removes voice flag for the specified users
dialog class A top-level dialog object class.
dialog.file Shows a file dialog
dialog.image Shows a image dialog
dialog.message Shows a message box
dialog.textinput Shows a dialog that accepts user input as text
dictionary All about the KVS variable and datatype management
die Prints an error message and stops the script
do Iteration command
dock widget Shows the tray icon (dock widget)
dockwindow class A window dockable to the KVIrc main frame
dots in command names KVIrc modules model
dots in function names KVIrc modules model
dump objects Dump the KVIrc widgets.
easyplugins Small plugins which can be called in scripts
echo Outputs text to a KVIrc window
echoprivmsg Outputs text to a KVIrc window
enable/disable ignoring of this user Enable/disable ignoring of this user
encryption Crypt/text transformation engines and how to use them
error Prints an error message and stops the script
eval Change the behaviour of a set of commands
event handlers Events: user reactions
event Adds a new event handler
event Events: user reactions
eventctl Controls the execution of event handlers Shows the event editor
events Events: user reactions
exec Asynchronous execution of external programs
exit Closes KVIrc
explicitly declaring global variables Explicitly declares global variables
expressions Expression evaluation identifier
file class I/O device that operates on files
file object class I/O device that operates on files
file sharing Automatically sharing your files with other IRC users
file.addimagepath Adds a path to the image search path list
file.copy Makes a copy of a file
file.delimagepath Removes a path from the image search path list
file.mkdir Creates a directory
file.remove Removes a file
file.rename Renames a file
file.rmdir Removes a directory
file.write Writes a character data string to a file
file.writeBytes Writes binary data to a file
file.writeLines Writes an array of lines to a file
filetransferwindow.clear Clears the list of transfers Opens the file transfer window
flow control commands Flow control command
flow control commands Iteration command
flow control commands Iteration command
flow control commands Iteration command
for Iteration control command
foreach Iteration command
frame window KVIrc window structure and the window naming conventions
ftp class An implementation of the client side of FTP protocol.
ftp object class An implementation of the client side of FTP protocol.
function A synonym for alias
functions exported by modules KVIrc modules model
functions exported by modules KVIrc modules model
functions KVS Functions and aliases
global variable All about the KVS variable and datatype management
global variables All about the KVS variable and datatype management
global variables All about the KVS variable and datatype management
global Explicitly declares global variables
group Provides a groupbox bar.
groupbox object class Provides a groupbox bar.
groupbox Provides a groupbox bar.
halfop Sets halfop status to the specified users
halt Stops the execution of the current script
hash All about the KVS variable and datatype management
hbox class Manages child widget horizontal geometry
hbox object class Manages child widget horizontal geometry Shows a help document
help Shows a help document
host DNS lookup
hostname Description of the standard IRC masks
how KVIrc locates image files Semantics of the <image_id> parameter
http class An implementation of the client side of HTTP protocol.
http object class An implementation of the client side of HTTP protocol.
http.asyncGet Retrieves a file via HTTP GET and triggers a callback
http.get Retrieves a file via HTTP GET
ident.start Starts the builtin Ident service
ident.stop Stops the Ident service
if Flow control command
image identifier Semantics of the <image_id> parameter
include A builtin alias for parse
increment Increment and decrement operations
indent Generic coding tips for scripters (and not only)
indentation Generic coding tips for scripters (and not only)
info Requests the server daemon info from a server
inject Injects <text> to the socket
input An editor for inputting larger portions of text
input Simple line editor for inputting short text
input This class provide a painter to paint line and shapes.
internet relay chat Introduction to IRC
invite Invites a user to a channel Opens the I/O Traffic Graph chart
irc channel The IRC protocol specification (revised)
irc client Introduction to IRC
irc etiquette Introduction to IRC
irc masks Description of the standard IRC masks
irc network Introduction to IRC
irc server Introduction to IRC
irc user Introduction to IRC
irc user The IRC protocol specification (revised)
irc users Introduction to IRC
irc Introduction to IRC
irc The IRC protocol specification (revised)
ison Checks if a user is online
iteration commands Iteration command
iteration commands Iteration command
iteration commands Iteration command
iterational control commands Iteration control command
join Joins the specified channels
kick Kicks a user from a channel
killtimer Stops a timer
kvs KVS scripting language introduction
label class Displays text or an image
label object class Displays text or an image
layout class Manages child widget geometry
layout object class Manages child widget geometry
lcd The lcdNumber widget displays a number with LCD-like digits.
lcdnumber class The lcdNumber widget displays a number with LCD-like digits.
lcdnumber object class The lcdNumber widget displays a number with LCD-like digits.
leave Alias for part
line editor An editor for inputting larger portions of text
line editor Simple line editor for inputting short text
line editor This class provide a painter to paint line and shapes.
lineedit class Simple line editor for inputting short text
lineedit object class Simple line editor for inputting short text Opens a links window
links Lists server links
list class Abstracts a double linked list of strings
list object class Abstracts a double linked list of strings Opens a list window
list Lists channels
listbox class A widget displaying a list of items.
listtimers Lists the active timers
listview class A listview widget class
listview tlistviewitem class A listviewitem class
listview widget class A listview widget class
listviewtitem class A listviewitem class
local variable All about the KVS variable and datatype management
local variables All about the KVS variable and datatype management
local variables All about the KVS variable and datatype management
log.flush Flushes the log file for a specified window
log.start Starts logging in a specified window
log.stop Stops logging in a specified window
logging Flushes the log file for a specified window
logging Interface to the KVirc log subsystem
logging Starts logging in a specified window
logging Stops logging in a specified window Opens the log viewer window
lusers Requests statistics about users on IRC
mainwindow class Provides a mainwindow.
mainwindow object class Provides a mainwindow.
map Displays a map of connected servers
me Sends a CTCP ACTION
mediaplayer.detect Detects the media player interface to use
mediaplayer.hide Hide the mediaplayer [-q]
mediaplayer.jumpTo Sets the position in seconds of the current song.
mediaplayer.minimize Minimize the mediaplayer.
mediaplayer.mute Mute the volume selected media player Starts playback of the next song (mediaplayer interface module)
mediaplayer.pause Pauses playback (mediaplayer interface module) Starts media playback in the selected media player
mediaplayer.playMrl Plays the specified media on the selected media player
mediaplayer.prev Starts playback of the previous song (mediaplayer interface module)
mediaplayer.quit Quits the remote media player (mediaplayer interface module)
mediaplayer.setEqData Return the equalizer value.
mediaplayer.setPlayListPos Set the position for the current song.
mediaplayer.setPlayer Sets the media player interface
mediaplayer.setRepeat Set the repeat flag.
mediaplayer.setShuffle Set the repeat flag.
mediaplayer.setVol Set the media player volume to <vol> (from 0-255) Show the mediaplayer.
mediaplayer.stop Stops media playback in the selected media player
memorybuffer class A class container to manage binary data.
menubar class A menu bar object implementation
mode Sends a MODE IRC message
module loading KVIrc modules model
module locking KVIrc modules model
module naming convention KVIrc modules model
motd Requests the Message of the day
msg Alias for privmsg
multilineedit class An editor for inputting larger portions of text
multilineedit object class An editor for inputting larger portions of text
my.startIdleTimer Starts a global idle hook
my.stopIdleTimer Stops a global idle hook
nick Changes your nickname
nickname Description of the standard IRC masks
nickname Introduction to IRC
nicknames Introduction to IRC
notice Sends a private notice
notifier.hide Hides the notifier window
notifier.message Adds a message to the notifier window Shows the notifier window
notify lists Tracking users on IRC
notify property Registration of users in KVIrc
notify property Tracking users on IRC
numeric messages The IRC protocol specification (revised)
object class A class container to manage binary data.
object class Base class for all the KVIrc objects
object class Base class for all the KVIrc objects
object scripting Object scripting overview
object Base class for all the KVIrc objects
objects.clearObjects Removes all the user class definitions
objects.connect Connects a signal to a slot
objects.disconnect Disconnects a signal from a slot
objects.killclass Removes a class definition
objects Object scripting overview
op Sets op status to the specified users
openurl Opens an URL
oper Requests IRC operator status
operator Variable operators, assignments & co.
operators Variable operators, assignments & co.
operwall Broadcasts an OPERWALL message
option Sets an internal option
options.close Close an options dialog
options.dialog Shows the preferences dialog
options.edit [-n] Shows a single options page
options.pages Lists the option pages Saves the configuration to disk
package.extractfield Extract a package binary field and save it to a file.
painter class This class provide a painter to paint line and shapes.
painter object class This class provide a painter to paint line and shapes.
parse Executes commands from a file
part Leaves the specified channels
pass Sends a password to the server
percent sign and extended scope All about the KVS variable and datatype management
perl.begin Starts a Perl code snippet
perl.destroy Destroys a Perl execution context
perl.end Ends a Perl code snippet
pixmap class This class provide a pixmap.
pixmap object class This class provide a pixmap.
play DEPRECATED: Use $ instead!
plugins KVIrc modules model
popup.addEpilogue Adds an epilogue to a popup
popup.addExtPopup Adds an external popup to a popup
popup.addItem Adds an item to a popup
popup.addLabel Adds a label to a popup
popup.addPrologue Adds a prologue to a popup
popup.addSeparator Adds a separator to a popup
popup.addSubPopup Adds a nested popup to a popup
popup.clear Clears all the items of a popup
popup.create Creates a popup
popup.delitem Deletes an item from a popup
popup.destroy Destroies a popup Shows a popup menu
popup Shows a popup menu Shows the popup editor
popupmenu class Provides a popup menu.
popupmenu object class Provides a popup menu.
privacy Crypt/text transformation engines and how to use them
private key Crypt/text transformation engines and how to use them
privateimpl Adds a private implementation of a function
privmsg Sends a private message
process class A class to manage process.
process object class A class to manage process.
process A class to manage process.
productions Syntactic rules of the KVIrc scripting language
progressbar class Provides a horizontal progress bar.
progressbar object class Provides a horizontal progress bar.
protocol The IRC protocol specification (revised)
proxydb.addProxy Adds a server
proxydb.setHostname Sets the hostname for a proxy
proxydb.setIPv6 Sets the port for a proxy
proxydb.setIp Sets the IP for a proxy
proxydb.setPass Sets the password for a proxy
proxydb.setPort Sets the port for a proxy
proxydb.setProtocol Sets the protocol for a proxy
proxydb.setUser Sets the username for a proxy
python.begin Starts a Python code snippet
python.destroy Destroys a Python execution context
python.end Ends a Python code snippet
query Opens one or more query windows
quit Terminates the current IRC connection or the entire application
quote Builtin alias for RAW
radiobutton class A radiobutton class
radiobutton widget class A radiobutton class
raise Raises the KVIrc frame window
raw Sends RAW data to the server Shows the RAW events editor
readability Generic coding tips for scripters (and not only)
rebind Rebinds a command sequence to a specified window
regchan.add Registers a channel
regchan.remove Unregisters a channel
regchan.setproperty Sets a property for a registered channel
regchan.showlist Lists the registered channels
registered user properties Registration of users in KVIrc
registered users Lists the registered users
registered users Registration of users in KVIrc
registering channels Registers a channel
registering users Adds a mask to a registered user
registering users Opens the registeredusers dialog
registering users Registers a user
registering users Removes a mask from the regusers database
registering users Shows a registration wizard dialog
registration mask Registration of users in KVIrc
registration wizard Shows a registration wizard dialog
reguser.add Registers a user
reguser.addmask Adds a mask to a registered user
reguser.delmask Removes a mask from the regusers database
reguser.edit Opens the registeredusers dialog
reguser.remove Removes an entry from the regusers database
reguser.setIgnoreEnabled Enable/disable ignoring of this user
reguser.setIgnoreFlags Sets ignore flags for registered user
reguser.setproperty Sets a property of a registered user
reguser.showlist Lists the registered users
reguser.wizard Shows a registration wizard dialog
removing directories Removes a directory
removing files Removes a file
renaming files Renames a file
return Returns from the current command sequence and sets it return value
run Runs an external process
say Type text in a window
scalars All about the KVS variable and datatype management
script KVS basic concepts
selection Combined button and popup list
server messages The IRC protocol specification (revised)
server protocol The IRC protocol specification (revised)
server replies The IRC protocol specification (revised)
server Connects to the specified server
server Introduction to IRC
serverdb.addNetwork Adds a network
serverdb.addServer Adds a server
serverdb.setNetworkConnectCommand Sets the connect command
serverdb.setNetworkDescription Sets the description
serverdb.setNetworkEncoding Sets the encoding
serverdb.setNetworkJoinChannels Sets the autojoin channels list
serverdb.setNetworkLoginCommand Sets the login command
serverdb.setNetworkNickName Sets the nickname
serverdb.setNetworkRealName Sets the realn ame
serverdb.setNetworkTextEncoding Sets the encoding
serverdb.setNetworkUserName Sets the username
serverdb.setServerConnectCommand Sets the connect command
serverdb.setServerDescription Sets the description
serverdb.setServerEncoding Sets the encoding
serverdb.setServerJoinChannels Sets the autojoin channels list
serverdb.setServerLoginCommand Sets the login command
serverdb.setServerNickName Sets the nickname
serverdb.setServerRealName Sets the real name
serverdb.setServerTextEncoding Sets the text encoding
serverdb.setServerUserName Sets the username
service Registers a new service
setmenu Adds a popup menu to the menu bar
setreturn Sets the return value of the current command sequence
setting user properties Sets a property of a registered user
setting your avatar Sets the local user's avatar
shared files Clears the shared files list
sharedfile.add Adds a file sharedfile
sharedfile.clear Clears the shared files list
sharedfile.list Lists the active file sharedfile
sharedfile.remove Removes a shared file Opens the shared files window
show image Displays text or an image
slider class The slider widget provides a vertical or horizontal slider.
slider object class The slider widget provides a vertical or horizontal slider.
snd.mute Mute all sounds Play a sound file from the disk
snd.unmute UnMute all sounds
socket class A IPv4/IPv6 TCP socket
socket object class A IPv4/IPv6 TCP socket
sockets Requests the sockets info from a server Opens a Socket Spy window
sorted list Abstracts a double linked list of strings
spaste.clipboard Sends the contents of the clipboard to a window, pausing between each line
spaste.file Sends the contents of a file to a window, with a delay between each line
spaste.list Lists all the running spaste processes.
spaste.setdelay Sets the delay time in milliseconds for the spaste module command delay
spaste.stop Stops one or more slow-paste process.
spellchecker.reloadDictionaries Reload spell checker dictionaries
spinbox class Provides a simple spin button.
spinbox object class Provides a simple spin button.
sql class A SQL database interface.
squery Sends a message to a service
squit Disconnects a server socket (ircops only)
srand Initializes the random number generator
stats Requests the stats info from a server
storing & reading configuration entries Changes the current section of a config file
storing & reading configuration entries Clears a config file
storing & reading configuration entries Clears a section in a config file
storing & reading configuration entries Closes a config file
storing & reading configuration entries Flushes a config file
storing & reading configuration entries Writes a data field to a config file
str.toClipboard Sets the OS clipboard contents
switch Another flow control command
system tray Shows the tray icon (dock widget)
system.runcmd Runs the specified command in a terminal
system.setClipboard Sets the current system clipboard contents
system.setSelection Sets the current system selection contents
system.setenv Sets an environment variable
tabWidget class Provides a Tab Widget.
tabWidget object class Provides a Tab Widget.
tablewidget class Tablewidget widget. Shows a terminal emulator
text transformation Crypt/text transformation engines and how to use them
textBrowser browser widget class Provides a class that can display HTML pages.
textBrowser class Provides a class that can display HTML pages.
texticons.set Sets texticon data
theme.apply Apply a theme.
theme.dialog Shows the theme theme management editor
theme.install Shows the theme management editor
theme.pack Creates a kvt package containing a set of themes
theme.screenshot Makes a screenshot of the KVIrc window
time Requests the current local time info from a server
timer Starts a timer Opens the "Did You Know..." tip window
tmphighlight.addChannel Adds a channel to the IRC context temporary highlight list
tmphighlight.addNick Adds a user to the channel temporary highlight list
tmphighlight.removeChannel Remove a channel from the IRC context temporary highlight list
tmphighlight.removeNick Remove a user from the channel temporary highlight list
toolbar class Provides a toolbar for widget.
toolbar object class Provides a toolbar for widget.
toolbar.additem Adds a new item to a toolbar
toolbar.clear Clears a toolbar
toolbar.create Creates a toolbar
toolbar.destroy Destroys a toolbar
toolbar.hide Hides a toolbar
toolbar.remove Removes a toolbar item Shows a toolbar Shows the script toolbar editor
toolbutton class Provides a toolbutton for toolbar widget.
toolbutton object class Provides a toolbutton for toolbar widget.
topic Changes topic for the specified channel
torrent.announce Manually announces torrent to tracker
torrent.detect Detects the torrent client interface to use
torrent.setClient Sets the torrent client interface
torrent.setFilePriority Sets the priority of a file in a torrent.
torrent.setMaxDownloadSpeed Sets maximum download speed
torrent.setMaxUploadSpeed Sets maximum upload speed
torrent.start Starts downloading of torrent <torrent_number>
torrent.startAll Starts downloading of all torrents
torrent.stop Stops downloading of torrent <torrent_number>
torrent.stopAll Stops downloading of all torrents
trace Requests trace information about a specified machine in the network
trading files by DCC Adds a file sharedfile
trading files by DCC Clears the shared files list
trading files by DCC Lists the active file sharedfile
trading files by DCC Removes a shared file
trayicon class An implementation of the the system tray icon.
trayicon object class An implementation of the the system tray icon.
trayicon.hide Hides the tray icon for the current frame window
trayicon.hidewindow Hides the window, associated with trayicon Shows the tray icon (dock widget)
trload Loads a translation catalogue
trunload Unloads a translation catalogue
unban Unsets ban masks for the channel
unregistering channels Unregisters a channel
unregistering users Removes an entry from the regusers database
unset Unsets a set of variables
unsetting variables Unsets a set of variables
upnp.addPortMapping Add a port mapping to gateway using UPnP
upnp.delPortMapping Delete a port mapping on the gateway using UPnP
upnp.refresh Rescan the local network for a gateway using UPnP
url.config Loads URL list module
url.list Opens URL list
user properties Registration of users in KVIrc
username Description of the standard IRC masks
userop Sets userop flag for the specified users
using builtin images Semantics of the <image_id> parameter
variable evaluation All about the KVS variable and datatype management
variable All about the KVS variable and datatype management
variables All about the KVS variable and datatype management
vbox class Manages child widget vertical geometry
vbox object class Manages child widget vertical geometry
version Requests the version of a server
voice Sets voice flag for the specified users
wallops Broadcasts a WALLOPS message
warning Prints a warning message
watch property Tracking users on IRC
webview Provides web support in a widget using webengine.
while Iteration command
who Requests WHO information
whois Requests user information
whowas Requests user information
widget class Base class for all widgets
widget object class Base class for all widgets
wildcard Description of the standard IRC masks
window ID KVIrc window structure and the window naming conventions
window class A window object
window.activate Activates a window
window.clearOutput Clears the output a window
window.close Closes a window
window.demandAttention Flashes a window's system taskbar entry
window.dock Docks a window
window.highlight Sets the highlight (alert) level of a window
window.insertInInputText Sets the window input text to <text>
window.listtypes Lists available types of windows
window.savePropertiesAsDefault Saves the window properties as default
window.setBackground Sets the background image of a window
window.setCryptEngine Sets the crypt engine for a window that supports it
window.setInputText Sets the window input text to <text>
window.setWindowTitle Sets the caption of a user window
window.splitView Splits the view of a channel window
window.undock Undocks a window
window.unsplitView Unsplits the view of a channel window
wizard class The wizard class provides a framework for wizard dialogs.
wizard object class The wizard class provides a framework for wizard dialogs.
workspace class Provides a MDI workspace object
workspace object class Provides a MDI workspace object
wrapper class A wrapper for the existing Qt widgets.
wrapper object class A wrapper for the existing Qt widgets.
writing data to files Writes a character data string to a file
writing data to files Writes binary data to a file
xml A simple XML document parser
xmlreader class A simple XML document parser
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