popupmenu class
Provides a popup menu.
object widget
This widget can be used to display a popup menu. Technically, a popup menu consists of a list of menu items.
You add items with insertItem(). An item can be a string. In addition, items can have an optional icon drawn on the very left side.
Inserts menu items into a popup menu with optional icon and return the popup identifier.
Add a popupmenu. With the optional parameter idx the popup will be inserted.
Sets the popupmenu title to text.
If called without parameters show the popup menu at the current pointer position.
With the optional parameters show the popup menu at the coordinate x,y widget parameter relative.
Removes the menu item that has the identifier ID.
Removes the menu item at position index.
Inserts a separator at position index.
If the index is negative the separator becomes the last menu item.
This function is called when a menu item and return the the item ID.
The default implementation emits the $activated() signal.
This function is called when a menu item is highlighted (hovered) and return the item ID.
The default implementation emits the $highlighted() signal.
This signal is emitted by the default implementation of $activatedEvent().
This signal is emitted by the default implementation of $highlightedEvent().

# First we define a class inherited from popupmenu
        # We store the item's ID for checking in activatedEvent
        @%closeactw_id=@$insertItem("Close Active Window",08)
        @%closeallw_id=@$insertItem("Close All Window",58)
        # Now we emit a signals to the relative to the user choice
        if (%id==@%tile_id) @$emit("tile")
        else if(%id==@%cascade_id) @$emit("cascade")
        else if (%id==@%closeactw_id) @$emit("closeactive")
        else @$emit("closeallwindows")
        # Deleting the popup
        delete $$
class (ws,widget)

    In the constructor we create everything that belong to the single widget.
        # Here we generate a loop to create our labels inside the widget.
        we use a vbox to managing labels in vertical orientation
        # Then add the vbox to the main layout
        # Let's create our colorful labels
            @%label->$settext("Another class by N\&G")
            # We set our foreground's colors using the hex array in a random way.
        # We create the popupmenu relative to this widget at runtime.
        objects.connect %p tile @$parent tile
        objects.connect %p cascade @$parent cascade
        objects.connect %p closeactive @$parent closeactivewindow
        objects.connect %p closeallwindows @$parent closeallwindows
# We create the workspace widget
# We use as space as we have
# Resize it
# Then create 20 subwidget
    # Let's add every widget to the workspace
    # Then "shake it" a little bit around :-)
# Reimplement closeEvent to delete all this :-)
    delete $$
# Let's show!

Index, Object Classes