Opens a config file
Opens a config file. If the file already exists, its contents are parsed and available for extracting by the $config.read() function.
<filename> may be an absolute path or a relative path: if a relative path is used, KVIrc will complete it with a local KVIrc directory suitable for writing script config files.
If the config file doesn't exist, it is opened as empty config file.
Flags can contain a combination of letters r and w.
If only r is specified, the config file is opened in read-only mode: no changes will be written to disk.
If only w is specified, the config file is opened in write-only mode: the contents of the file on disk are not read.
If <flags> are not specified then rw is assumed.
The function returns an identifier for the open config file. This identifier is a mandatory parameter in all the other config.* functions and commands.
The config section is set to the default section name: you can change it by using config.setsection.
After you have finished using the file, don't forget to call config.close! KVIrc tries to not open a config file twice: if the file was already opened then the identifier of the open file is returned.
You can check if a config file is already open by using the $config.id() function.

# It is a good idea to store the returned ID to a variable :)
%cfg = $config.open(myscript.kvc)
%num = $config.read(%cfg,Number,0)
echo Number of entries is %num
config.write %cfg Number %num
config.close %cfg
See also
config module documentation

Index, Functions