Adds a nested popup to a popup
popup.addSubPopup [-q] (<popupname:string>, <text:string>[, <icon:string>[, <item_id:string>[, <condition:string>]]])
Adds an empty nested popup item with visible <text> and the optional <icon> to an already existing popup or nested popup named <popupname>. If you want to add an item to a nested popup, use the form "popup.addItem", for example, "channeltextview.myNestedItem".
<text> is a string that is evaluated at popup call time and may contain identifiers and variables.
<icon> is an optional image identifier.
<item_id> is the optional item ID - if not specified, it will be generated automatically.
If <condition> is given, it is evaluated at popup.show call time and if the result is 0, the item is not shown in the physical popup.
If this item is hovered over, the nested popup will be shown.
-q | --quiet
Run quietly: don't print warning and errors
See also
defpopup, popup.show, popup.addextpopup

Index, Commands