Commands: All
$ a b c d e f g h i j k l m
n o p q r s t u v w x y z All
CTCP Sends a CTCP message
about.kvirc Shows the About KVIrc dialog
action.create Defines a new action
action.destroy Destroy an action
action.disable Disables an action
action.enable Enables an action
action.list Lists the available actions
action.trigger Triggers an action Shows the action editor
addon.configure Executes an addon's configuration callback
addon.dialog Shows the addon management editor Executes an addon's help callback
addon.install Installs the addon
addon.installfiles Installs a set of files for an addon
addon.list Lists the installed addons
addon.pack Creates a kva package containing an addon
addon.register Registers a script-based addon
addon.setconfigurecallback Sets an addon's configuration callback
addon.sethelpcallback Sets an addon's help callback
addon.uninstall Uninstalls an addon
admin Requests the admin info from a server
ahost DNS lookup
alias Adds a new alias or modifies an existing one Shows the alias editor
avatar.notify Notifies the current avatar to a remote target
avatar.query Queries the avatar of a remote target
avatar.set Sets the local user's avatar
avatar.unset Unsets the local user's avatar
away Puts you into 'away' state
awhois Asynchronous WHOIS
back Allows you to return from being away
ban Sets ban masks for the channel
beep Beep beep!
break Interrupts an iteration loop
button Adds/removes/changes user definable buttons
buttonctl changes user definable buttons
cap Sends a CAP command
chanadmin Sets chan admin status from the specified users Opens a window to join channels
chanowner Sets chan owner status from the specified users
class Defines a new object class Shows the class editor
codepage Tries to set the codepage on server Shows the code tester window
config.clear Clears a config file
config.clearsection Clears a section in a config file
config.close Closes a config file
config.flush Flushes a config file
config.setsection Changes the current section of a config file
config.write Writes a data field to a config file
context.clearqueue Removes messages from the socked output queue.
continue Continues an iteration loop
dcc.abort Aborts a DCC session Starts a DCC chat connection
dcc.get Requests a file
dcc.recv Sets up a file receiving connection
dcc.rsend Sends a file by using the Reverse DCC SEND protocol
dcc.send Sends a file
dcc.setBandwidthLimit Set the bandwidthlimit of a dcc.send session.
dcc.voice Starts a DCC Voice connection
debug Outputs text to the debug window
dechanadmin Removes chan admin status from the specified users
dechanowner Removes chan owner status from the specified users
defpopup Defines a popup menu
dehalfop Removes half op status from the specified users
delete Destroys an object
delpopupitem Deletes an item from a popup
deop Removes chanop status from the specified users
destroy Destroys an object
deuserop Removes user op status from the specified users
devoice Removes voice flag for the specified users
dialog.file Shows a file dialog
dialog.image Shows a image dialog
dialog.message Shows a message box
dialog.textinput Shows a dialog that accepts user input as text
die Prints an error message and stops the script
do Iteration command
echo Outputs text to a KVIrc window
echoprivmsg Outputs text to a KVIrc window
error Prints an error message and stops the script
eval Change the behaviour of a set of commands
event Adds a new event handler
eventctl Controls the execution of event handlers Shows the event editor
exec Asynchronous execution of external programs
exit Closes KVIrc
file.addimagepath Adds a path to the image search path list
file.copy Makes a copy of a file
file.delimagepath Removes a path from the image search path list
file.mkdir Creates a directory
file.remove Removes a file
file.rename Renames a file
file.rmdir Removes a directory
file.write Writes a character data string to a file
file.writeBytes Writes binary data to a file
file.writeLines Writes an array of lines to a file
filetransferwindow.clear Clears the list of transfers Opens the file transfer window
for Iteration control command
foreach Iteration command
function A synonym for alias
global Explicitly declares global variables
halfop Sets halfop status to the specified users
halt Stops the execution of the current script Shows a help document
help Shows a help document
host DNS lookup
http.asyncGet Retrieves a file via HTTP GET and triggers a callback
http.get Retrieves a file via HTTP GET
ident.start Starts the builtin Ident service
ident.stop Stops the Ident service
if Flow control command
include A builtin alias for parse
info Requests the server daemon info from a server
inject Injects <text> to the socket
invite Invites a user to a channel Opens the I/O Traffic Graph chart
ison Checks if a user is online
join Joins the specified channels
kick Kicks a user from a channel
killtimer Stops a timer
leave Alias for part Opens a links window
links Lists server links Opens a list window
list Lists channels
listtimers Lists the active timers
log.flush Flushes the log file for a specified window
log.start Starts logging in a specified window
log.stop Stops logging in a specified window Opens the log viewer window
lusers Requests statistics about users on IRC
map Displays a map of connected servers
me Sends a CTCP ACTION
mediaplayer.detect Detects the media player interface to use
mediaplayer.hide Hide the mediaplayer [-q]
mediaplayer.jumpTo Sets the position in seconds of the current song.
mediaplayer.minimize Minimize the mediaplayer.
mediaplayer.mute Mute the volume selected media player Starts playback of the next song (mediaplayer interface module)
mediaplayer.pause Pauses playback (mediaplayer interface module) Starts media playback in the selected media player
mediaplayer.playMrl Plays the specified media on the selected media player
mediaplayer.prev Starts playback of the previous song (mediaplayer interface module)
mediaplayer.quit Quits the remote media player (mediaplayer interface module)
mediaplayer.setEqData Return the equalizer value.
mediaplayer.setPlayListPos Set the position for the current song.
mediaplayer.setPlayer Sets the media player interface
mediaplayer.setRepeat Set the repeat flag.
mediaplayer.setShuffle Set the repeat flag.
mediaplayer.setVol Set the media player volume to <vol> (from 0-255) Show the mediaplayer.
mediaplayer.stop Stops media playback in the selected media player
mode Sends a MODE IRC message
motd Requests the Message of the day
msg Alias for privmsg
my.startIdleTimer Starts a global idle hook
my.stopIdleTimer Stops a global idle hook
nick Changes your nickname
notice Sends a private notice
notifier.hide Hides the notifier window
notifier.message Adds a message to the notifier window Shows the notifier window
objects.clearObjects Removes all the user class definitions
objects.connect Connects a signal to a slot
objects.disconnect Disconnects a signal from a slot
objects.killclass Removes a class definition
op Sets op status to the specified users
openurl Opens an URL
oper Requests IRC operator status
operwall Broadcasts an OPERWALL message
option Sets an internal option
options.close Close an options dialog
options.dialog Shows the preferences dialog
options.edit [-n] Shows a single options page
options.pages Lists the option pages Saves the configuration to disk
package.extractfield Extract a package binary field and save it to a file.
parse Executes commands from a file
part Leaves the specified channels
pass Sends a password to the server
perl.begin Starts a Perl code snippet
perl.destroy Destroys a Perl execution context
perl.end Ends a Perl code snippet
play DEPRECATED: Use $ instead!
popup.addEpilogue Adds an epilogue to a popup
popup.addExtPopup Adds an external popup to a popup
popup.addItem Adds an item to a popup
popup.addLabel Adds a label to a popup
popup.addPrologue Adds a prologue to a popup
popup.addSeparator Adds a separator to a popup
popup.addSubPopup Adds a nested popup to a popup
popup.clear Clears all the items of a popup
popup.create Creates a popup
popup.delitem Deletes an item from a popup
popup.destroy Destroies a popup Shows a popup menu
popup Shows a popup menu Shows the popup editor
privateimpl Adds a private implementation of a function
privmsg Sends a private message
proxydb.addProxy Adds a server
proxydb.setHostname Sets the hostname for a proxy
proxydb.setIPv6 Sets the port for a proxy
proxydb.setIp Sets the IP for a proxy
proxydb.setPass Sets the password for a proxy
proxydb.setPort Sets the port for a proxy
proxydb.setProtocol Sets the protocol for a proxy
proxydb.setUser Sets the username for a proxy
python.begin Starts a Python code snippet
python.destroy Destroys a Python execution context
python.end Ends a Python code snippet
query Opens one or more query windows
quit Terminates the current IRC connection or the entire application
quote Builtin alias for RAW
raise Raises the KVIrc frame window
raw Sends RAW data to the server Shows the RAW events editor
rebind Rebinds a command sequence to a specified window
regchan.add Registers a channel
regchan.remove Unregisters a channel
regchan.setproperty Sets a property for a registered channel
regchan.showlist Lists the registered channels
reguser.add Registers a user
reguser.addmask Adds a mask to a registered user
reguser.delmask Removes a mask from the regusers database
reguser.edit Opens the registeredusers dialog
reguser.remove Removes an entry from the regusers database
reguser.setIgnoreEnabled Enable/disable ignoring of this user
reguser.setIgnoreFlags Sets ignore flags for registered user
reguser.setproperty Sets a property of a registered user
reguser.showlist Lists the registered users
reguser.wizard Shows a registration wizard dialog
return Returns from the current command sequence and sets it return value
run Runs an external process
say Type text in a window
server Connects to the specified server
serverdb.addNetwork Adds a network
serverdb.addServer Adds a server
serverdb.setNetworkConnectCommand Sets the connect command
serverdb.setNetworkDescription Sets the description
serverdb.setNetworkEncoding Sets the encoding
serverdb.setNetworkJoinChannels Sets the autojoin channels list
serverdb.setNetworkLoginCommand Sets the login command
serverdb.setNetworkNickName Sets the nickname
serverdb.setNetworkRealName Sets the realn ame
serverdb.setNetworkTextEncoding Sets the encoding
serverdb.setNetworkUserName Sets the username
serverdb.setServerConnectCommand Sets the connect command
serverdb.setServerDescription Sets the description
serverdb.setServerEncoding Sets the encoding
serverdb.setServerJoinChannels Sets the autojoin channels list
serverdb.setServerLoginCommand Sets the login command
serverdb.setServerNickName Sets the nickname
serverdb.setServerRealName Sets the real name
serverdb.setServerTextEncoding Sets the text encoding
serverdb.setServerUserName Sets the username
service Registers a new service
setmenu Adds a popup menu to the menu bar
setreturn Sets the return value of the current command sequence
sharedfile.add Adds a file sharedfile
sharedfile.clear Clears the shared files list
sharedfile.list Lists the active file sharedfile
sharedfile.remove Removes a shared file Opens the shared files window
snd.mute Mute all sounds Play a sound file from the disk
snd.unmute UnMute all sounds
sockets Requests the sockets info from a server Opens a Socket Spy window
spaste.clipboard Sends the contents of the clipboard to a window, pausing between each line
spaste.file Sends the contents of a file to a window, with a delay between each line
spaste.list Lists all the running spaste processes.
spaste.setdelay Sets the delay time in milliseconds for the spaste module command delay
spaste.stop Stops one or more slow-paste process.
spellchecker.reloadDictionaries Reload spell checker dictionaries
squery Sends a message to a service
squit Disconnects a server socket (ircops only)
srand Initializes the random number generator
stats Requests the stats info from a server
str.toClipboard Sets the OS clipboard contents
switch Another flow control command
system.runcmd Runs the specified command in a terminal
system.setClipboard Sets the current system clipboard contents
system.setSelection Sets the current system selection contents
system.setenv Sets an environment variable Shows a terminal emulator
texticons.set Sets texticon data
theme.apply Apply a theme.
theme.dialog Shows the theme theme management editor
theme.install Shows the theme management editor
theme.pack Creates a kvt package containing a set of themes
theme.screenshot Makes a screenshot of the KVIrc window
time Requests the current local time info from a server
timer Starts a timer Opens the "Did You Know..." tip window
tmphighlight.addChannel Adds a channel to the IRC context temporary highlight list
tmphighlight.addNick Adds a user to the channel temporary highlight list
tmphighlight.removeChannel Remove a channel from the IRC context temporary highlight list
tmphighlight.removeNick Remove a user from the channel temporary highlight list
toolbar.additem Adds a new item to a toolbar
toolbar.clear Clears a toolbar
toolbar.create Creates a toolbar
toolbar.destroy Destroys a toolbar
toolbar.hide Hides a toolbar
toolbar.remove Removes a toolbar item Shows a toolbar Shows the script toolbar editor
topic Changes topic for the specified channel
torrent.announce Manually announces torrent to tracker
torrent.detect Detects the torrent client interface to use
torrent.setClient Sets the torrent client interface
torrent.setFilePriority Sets the priority of a file in a torrent.
torrent.setMaxDownloadSpeed Sets maximum download speed
torrent.setMaxUploadSpeed Sets maximum upload speed
torrent.start Starts downloading of torrent <torrent_number>
torrent.startAll Starts downloading of all torrents
torrent.stop Stops downloading of torrent <torrent_number>
torrent.stopAll Stops downloading of all torrents
trace Requests trace information about a specified machine in the network
trayicon.hide Hides the tray icon for the current frame window
trayicon.hidewindow Hides the window, associated with trayicon Shows the tray icon (dock widget)
trload Loads a translation catalogue
trunload Unloads a translation catalogue
unban Unsets ban masks for the channel
unset Unsets a set of variables
upnp.addPortMapping Add a port mapping to gateway using UPnP
upnp.delPortMapping Delete a port mapping on the gateway using UPnP
upnp.refresh Rescan the local network for a gateway using UPnP
url.config Loads URL list module
url.list Opens URL list
userop Sets userop flag for the specified users
version Requests the version of a server
voice Sets voice flag for the specified users
wallops Broadcasts a WALLOPS message
warning Prints a warning message
while Iteration command
who Requests WHO information
whois Requests user information
whowas Requests user information
window.activate Activates a window
window.clearOutput Clears the output a window
window.close Closes a window
window.demandAttention Flashes a window's system taskbar entry
window.dock Docks a window
window.highlight Sets the highlight (alert) level of a window
window.insertInInputText Sets the window input text to <text>
window.listtypes Lists available types of windows
window.savePropertiesAsDefault Saves the window properties as default
window.setBackground Sets the background image of a window
window.setCryptEngine Sets the crypt engine for a window that supports it
window.setInputText Sets the window input text to <text>
window.setWindowTitle Sets the caption of a user window
window.splitView Splits the view of a channel window
window.undock Undocks a window
window.unsplitView Unsplits the view of a channel window
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